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homemade dtg printer

Can I use a DIY DTG for Commercial Purposes

Many people are confused between a commercial DTG that can cost thousands of dollars and a DIY DTG that can be build for just a few hundred dollars, but the question is, can it achieve the same quality ?

Short answer is “yes” because even those commercial DTG that costs around $7000 is actually a normal A3 printer with some extra buttons and modified case. I must say that commercial DTG will achieve a higher quality than a DIY one, but you can also achieve the same quality if you invest some money in a high quality base.

Most DIY DTG start by using those MDF woods or compressed woods, they’re not bad for a start but once you successfully build it and calibrate it I recommend switching to either Aluminum or Acrylic base, since this will help you achieve higher quality and more stability when printing.

You can also use linear guide for even higher precision and a stepper motor too for even better precision! But I will admit it, if you upgrade your DIY DTG with a stepper motor , linear guide and Aluminum base I guarantee you it will be much better than the commercial DTG one that costs $7000.

If you’ve decided to go for the DIY DTG I highly recommend you build it yourself instead of buying pre made DIY DTG from eBay and China, those printers can malfunction at any time and if you buy it pre made you won’t know how to fix it or even what’s wrong with your printer, but if you build it yourself you will have some knowledge and might be able to fix it yourself instead of throwing it away or paying someone to repair it.

Our DIY DTG e-book will help you step by step build your own DTG available at:,-1390,-1410,-1500w,-R1800,-R1900,-R2000–EBook-Instant-Download-Version-2016

It’s delivered to your e-mail instantly, so you don’t have to worry about waiting days or hours to receive it. It’s automatically delivered.

Online support is also included so if you get in trouble or having difficulties just send a message to us.

I hope this article has helped you.

Have a great day and happy building!


