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Tag: 3d filament review

  • How Much Stuff Can You 3D Print with 1 Roll of PLA

    How Much Stuff Can You 3D Print with 1 Roll of PLA

    Nowadays everyone has a 3D printer at home some 3d printers are more advanced and some are more for basic and less complex stuff, but a lot of people just load the filament in their 3d printer and forget about it because it takes so long to finish a single spool of 1KG! So today…

  • 3D Printing Objects with PETG Filament

    3D Printing Objects with PETG Filament

    Nowadays everyone is 3D Printing Objects with their 3D printers and some are doing it for hobby purposes and some are doing it for business, but as we move forward and the technology advances more and more we can see that there are many types of filaments now to print on such as: Wood Infill,…