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wordpress vs code from scratch

I Want To Create My Website. Should I use WordPress Or Build My Self?

In the past days, we used to build and code our website from scratch. But nowadays, we have a lot of tools and pre-builtย websites to choose from. It might be confusing with so many options available, but today we will analyze the pros and cons of each option.

Pre-Built Website / WordPress

The good reason to use a pre-built website is that all the hard work is already done. It will most likely be very secure, stable, and compatible with many devices such as mobile, laptop and desktop. But some people might not like it because it could be slow if your server is not a good one, or it can be too complex for some people.

Although, most pre-built websites are incredibly easy to use, some are not that beginner friendly. For example – Installing WordPress and configuration database details, compression and etc. Unless it’s those websites that you just sign up and drag and drop stuff.

Pre-built websites or WordPress is incredibly good! Even this website is based on WordPress. It’s so good and stable that you even forgot about security stuff and coding. It comes with security updates, free themes and a bunch of tools to start your own personal blog, business, eCommerce or anything.

Build My Own Website

Building your own website can be an exhausting task. It can take a lot of hours or days to code everything from scratch. The only good thing about this is that you have total control of your website and can easily modify the website. Also, it might be even faster because it will probably have less code and require less CPU to process your website.

So resuming:

Build my own website

  • Pros – Faster, Easy to modify, Practice your coding skills.
  • Cons – Takes time to code, might not be very secure.


Now it’s really up to you to decide. Most go for pre-built or WordPress websites since it’s easier and much faster to start. Pre-built websites take very little time to set up. In just around 1 hour you will be ready to start blogging or adding content to the website!


